MAPI Overview

The Minnesota Association of Private Investigators and Protective Agents is a non-profit corporation organized under and pursuant to the provisions found in the Minnesota State Non-Profit Corporation Act. MAPI was initially organized and founded by a group of private investigators interested in building career awareness through shared resources and educational opportunities. MAPI was exclusively organized as a fraternal association for educational, political, legal and social purposes. The corporation works solely for the benefit of its members and respective industries.

Mission Statement

The Minnesota Association of Private Investigators and Protective Agents' mission was recently revised to reflect legislative acts, statutes, rules and regulations that established new training mandates. The mission statement was modified to ensure MAPI provides continuing education opportunities and training materials for members and non-members alike, all of which meet or exceed state requirements.

MAPI is dedicated to the professional development of Licensed Private Investigators and Protective Agents as decreed in the Minnesota statutes.

MAPI promotes and maintains the highest ethical practices in the field of private investigation and protective agents, and only accepts as members those individuals whose background meets our stringent code of ethics. To be considered for membership, it is important that individuals have strictly observed the precepts of truth, accuracy and ethics in their professional and private life.

Board Members

 NameEmailPhoneWebsiteZip CodeCompany Name
Tim Braatz - President/Secretaryatpi1@aol.com507-281-1377atlaspimn.com55901Atlas Investigations
Dan Gilbertson - Vice President, Private Investigatorsdan@gilbertsoninvestigations.com952-240-8175gilbertsoninvestigations.com55306Gilbertson Investigations, LLC
Tim Gulden - Vice President, Protective Agentsinfo@blissservicesllc.com651-248-3407blissservicesllc.com55106Blue Line Investigations & Security Services, LLC
Molly Donaldson - Board Membermdonaldson@waverlyresearchllc.com646-783-0400waverlyresearchllc.com55438Waverly Research, LLC
Scott Andreasen - Board Memberscott@piscott.com320-363-7559piscott.com56302Scott Investigations
Jason Heilman - Board Memberjheilman@360security.services952-777-6360360security.services55403360 Security Services
Bill Sires - Board Membercontact@crescentinvestigations.com507-533-6426crescentinvestigations.com55976Crescent Investigative Services


  • Increase the membership so that we represent a majority of the state’s license holders in both the PI and PA industries.
  • Provide increased VALUE to the members, by adding benefits and features to your MAPI membership.
  • To embark on a process of creating a Certification Program for Specialty Areas in our industries.

About this Website

This site allows our members to provide another way for customers to find them and see more about their specialities. Members who wish to provide detailed information about their specialities and expertise can do so using an online form. If you have questions or changes you wish to make to your member profile, please direct them to our site administrator, Kurt Schroeder.

Requests for information about MAPI Events or other general website content should be directed to Tim Braatz.

MAPI sponsors have opportunities to meet with our members at MAPI Events, and to provide materials and information to them about their business. For more information on how you or your business can become a MAPI Sponsor, visit our Payment page to get started.

Authentic Investigations
Crescent Investigative Services
El Dorado Insurance Agency, Inc.
ASIA Security
Spy Shop Round Rock
Private Eye Security
Internatoinal Intelligence Network
Chase Security Services
PI Magazine
Social Slooth
Personal Wireless Communications
ETS Intelligence, LLC
Become a MAPI Sponsor
Yergey Insurance
OREP Insurance Services
New Hampshire League of Investigators
ational Association of Legal Investigators
BRB Publications
Ellis Law Office
IRB Search
National Investigative Training Academy, Inc. (NITA)
Kelmar Global
360 Security Services blue 360, black Security Services and blue and gray triple circle logo
Florida Association of Private Investigators, Inc.
Atlas Investigations
Glen Bass Investigations
Flashlight NOW